After graduating from college with a degree in English Literature, I began a corporate career that lasted more than twenty-five years with companies such as IBM, Philips NV and Bear Stearns. While at IBM, I went back to graduate school at night and earned an Accounting degree and an MBA. I’ve had every job that you could have in accounting and finance except Chief Financial Officer. I started out as an entry level accountant in IBM, become a financial analyst performing tasks such as revenue and expense forecasting, budgeting and analysis at Philips NV and was also a Financial Controller for a trading desk in a major securities firm at Bear Stearns.
I’ve had two separate and distinct careers that are still closely related. First, the corporate career and since 2009, my tax career. The corporate career ended when the finance world collapsed in the late 2000’s. I then began looking for my next career opportunity that would enable me to leverage my education and experience in accounting and finance. I found the tax world and it was a seamless transition.
I became an Enrolled Agent (EA) in April 2014 and have been representing clients before the IRS ever since then, successfully completing over one hundred (100) taxpayer cases. In 2020 I completed three (3) more advanced representation programs; I became an NTPI Fellow, a designation awarded by the National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA) and a Certified Tax Resolution Specialist (CTRS), a designation offered by the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers (ASTPS) and a Certified Tax Resolution Consultant (CTRC), a credential offered by the Tax Rep Network (TRN).
I am currently a member of the National Association of Enrolled Agents (NAEA), the American Society of Tax Problem Solvers (ASTPS), the National Association of Tax Preparers (NATP) and the Tax Mentor Group (TMG).
I enjoy representing clients with tax problems before the IRS and state taxing authorities. To see their sense of relief when they realize that their tax debts can be repaid in a manageable way without losing their home, going to jail or having their savings wiped out brings me great satisfaction. My first representation case was an “Innocent Spouse” filing in 2015 which got a client more than $50,000 in tax relief from the IRS and state of Connecticut combined.
My office is located in Norwalk, CT where my wife and I have lived for the past thirty-five (35) years. We have a grown son and enjoy spending our free time with our two cats, taking road trips and watching mostly (true crime) streaming shows.